On That Fuse Bead Game

by - 15:39

I have been so busy showcasing my knitting crafts, that I have not bothered to show one of my favorites! There are many names to these lovely bits: Perler, Hama, Fuse. All of which end with Beads. The fun little beads everyone played with in grade school that are melted all together with a sturdy iron.

I love working with fuse beads! They're so easy to work with and make the cutest magnets, earrings, charms, picture frames, coasters, light switch frames. Everything can be so darn adorable and geeky.

My SO has been bugging me to make a set of coasters for our game room. Initially, I was going to make a set of Game of Thrones coasters. This all came about during the last season of Game of Thrones. It then became Pokemon Booty Coasters. Yes, coasters of little Pokemon tooshies. We are a Pokemon family, so it was the only natural solution when I showed him the Squirtle one I happened to make that it became a full set.

Each coaster took maybe 20 minutes to bead together. Five minutes to fuse. I take my time fusing because one to many times have I fallen to the too hot iron melting the pegboard. I didn't time it because I was playing video games while creating. I should have rounded the Cyndaquil toosh a little more and set his flame a little higher. The tan part of his toosh is uneven, too. I wasn't paying attention when putting it together.  Oddly enough, they're all the same dimensions, but for some reason, my Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil came out smaller than the other two (those two were based off the same design), so I have to play around with that as well.

They were made on the large square pegboards, with Perler brand beads.

I plan on putting a thin cork bottom to it, because while they're great as is, condensation drips right off of them and sort of defeats the purpose of them being a coaster.

I am going to make a Charmander one to complete the Gen 1 set (My SO's favorite is Cyndaquil). I also want to play around with an Eeveelution set for the living room, because who doesn't love one or all of the Eeveelutions?

I'm waiting on more light green and yellow beads to come in the mail so I can make a few more of the starter sets to put on sale. I plan on working with a few of the other generation starters to see if I can make them work for a coaster set.

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